
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana is one of my favourite asanas, I use it one my workshop “Standing Asanas for Balance” as well in my master classes for “Side Trunk Expansion”. This is a deep twisting posture that requires balance and flexibility, and which helps stimulate the visceral organs in the chest and abdominal area. It is also known as the revolved side angle pose, and it is a variation of the standing side-stretch yoga asanas. 

The pose involves twisting the torso while keeping the legs in Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), as said, it requires a great deal of flexibility, balance, as consequence this give you  a strong core and a really well development of your Manipura Chakra energy.

Some details about this performance…

The right foot is turned outwards at a 90-degree angle, while the left foot is turned inward at a 60-degree angle. The right knee is bent, so the thigh is parallel to the floor, while the left leg is kept straight. The torso is then twisted towards the right thigh, and the left arm is brought to the outside of the right knee, with the left palm placed on the floor. The right arm is stretched over the right ear, with the palm facing downwards. The head is turned upwards, and the gaze is directed straight ahead. The pose should be held, the longer, the better and never forget to breath deeply. To release, start by lifting the palm, straightening the torso and the leg, and returning to the starting position.

Even after give those details, I will not encourage you to perform it just after see this picture and article, please join a proper class with a real instructor, even online. Once you learned it, you are able to perform it, and never forget that more habituated you became, more details to pay attention will come after.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana is beneficial for people who want to improve their digestion, lose weight, improve their strength, flexibility, and balance, cure respiratory issues, relieve migraine or chronic headaches, and much more. However there a many contra indication and therefore I strongly recommend you to find a qualified teacher or even a Yoga Therapist in case you start the practice for solve some health conditions.

For the people who is suffering from high or low blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, migraine or chronic headaches, recent injury in hips, neck, shoulders, or arms, insomnia or broken sleep patterns, arthritis, worn out or weak ligaments, pulled hamstring, diarrhea, spinal problems, fever, cold, or flu, severe stress or anxiety at the moment should avoid performing Parivrtta Parsvakonasana without consulting their doctor. If you saw somewhere that could therapeutical be useful, surely has being by someone experienced in the topic. Pregnant woman is highly recommended to not perform those strong twists.

There are several variations of Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, such as Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana and Parivrtta Utthita Parsvakonasana, which can make the practice easier or more challenging depending on one’s level of flexibility, balance, and strength. These variations can help build the strength, flexibility, and persistence required for the final form of Parivrtta Parsvakonasana.

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